When words are highlighted, the computer is looking at those words. We can then change the words, make corrections by retyping, enlarge or reduce the type size, delete words or move words. On this page you will copy answers in the left column and paste them next to their correct questions on the right. 
Copy the answers and ...
  1. Highlight one answer in the left column.
  2. Look at the top of the screen, click "Edit."
  3. Move mouse down to "Copy" and click.
... paste the answer into the box after the correct question.
  1. Move pointer into the box beside the correct question.
  2. When arrow becomes a vertical line, click.
  3. Go back to top of screen and click "Edit."
  4. Move mouse down to "Paste," click.

  5. The highlighted word should be in the box.

monitor or screen

hard drive


mouse pad


A. What are you learning to use? A 

B. What does a mouse move on? A 

C. You are reading this on the computer 

D. Typing done on the ... ? 

E. Work is saved on the computer's ... ?